DIY Books used by Sewing Incubator

This page contains a shortlist of educational resource recommendations that (some of which we use regularly) because we feel it would be a great addition to the knowledge base of any entrepreneur

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Books about Textiles & Fabric

Fabric For Fashion Swatch Book

Fabric for Fashion the Swatch Book

* It's a swatch book!
* You can literally see and feel each fabric as you learn about it
* This is a great first step towards communicating more efficiently with fashion and clothing fabric suppliers
* A must have to learn the basics about fabric

Fabric Science Swatch Kit Book

Fabric Science Swatch Kit

* It's a comprehensive Textile Book with swatches!
* Easy read, with technical information that will come in handy during production
* We've had our copy for a while, but this book covers fabrics for different industries (not just Fashion)

Leather Fashion Design (No swatches)

Leather Fashion Design

* It's all about leather clothing design!
* Easy read, with technical information that is specific to leather and leather like materials
* This book is an easy to follow foundation on how to design with leather

Books about Technical Design

Fashion Source Book (Pictionary)

What we like about Fashion Source Book

* This book is easy to follow because it's structured like a "pictionary"
* The images are black and white but we find them incredibly helpful in better showing some design details that would otherwise be hard to visualize
* It's a great starting point for anyone who is not great at drawing to explain things to a designer

Fashion Production Terms

Why we like Fashion Production Terms

* This textbook is incredibly useful to features, construction terms and processes to compile a basic instruction sheet
* The images and terms cover a wide variety of needs that go beyond an image
* We recommend that every entrepreneur who is serious about growing their brand gets this book as a foundation to get familiarized with the basic terms for development and production

Professional Pattern Grading

Why we like Professional Pattern Grading

* This is "THE" textbook that the industry has followed for decades
* The book is intended for pattern makers, but offers a wealth of knowledge when it comes to grading patterns to different sizes
* While this wouldn't be an essential book for everybody, we feel that anyone attempting to provide DIY Technical Specifications would be wise to invest in this book

Books about Pattern Making

Patternmaking Made Easy

Why we like Patternmaking Made Easy

* This book is easy to follow but has that "textbook" structure without requiring much guidance
* The detailed instructions show step by step of the basic garment silhouettes
* It's a great starting point for anyone interested in learning Industrial Pattern Making methods

Patternmaking for Fashion Design

Why Patternmaking for Fashion Design

* This has been "The" Textbook in most pattern making classes for decades
* The detailed instructions show a huge number of design variations
* It provides a solid foundation for just about every type of garment you can think of

Patternmaking for Menswear

Why we like Patternmaking for Menswear

* This textbook is all about Menswear!
* Easy read, no unnecessary technical jargon
* It comes with diagrams of how to plan patterns for plaid matching and I found this very useful